Today was a great day of school, and when I have a great day, I look to see what went right or different. here is what I am "chewing on".
I didn't let work or issues sidetrack me
Enough said
I told the kids funny stories
Robert kept distracting us with his sound effects. It's like, hello! Teacher here, remember me? I told them about when I was in school and, being the absent minded little girl that I was, I was playing with something at my desk. The teacher was standing over me, teaching, and I didn't even notice. She took it from me and I lost it forever. It was not even a consideration to ever ask my teacher back for whatever it was I had. I didn't think it was that funny, but the kids got a big kick out of it. Of course, I took it into the whole "you don't know how easy you have it being homeschooled" Inside joke for homeschool moms only.
I didn't get hung up on the schedule, but I kept things moving
We started late. Jonathan had speech therapy this morning. He was in a "MOOD" and right or wrong, I didn't make him go inside to his therapist. We were all the way there, standing outside the car and he was embarrassed he had been crying. It was a long , long walk down the hallway. It was a long hallway. His therapist and the other adults watched me walk the whole way in. It felt like a long, long time and I was imagining myself as little Jonathan, feeling their eyes on him, watching, watching, with each step. I am glad I felt the pressure of that long walk. For a kid, it would be hard. But on the other hand, we can't shelter our kids. I don't think I made the right decision. because he was smiling when I got back to the car. SMILING! The I WON kind of smile. He got his way. It made the rest of my day easier, though, because his mood was over. And it made me realize I suffer from the nice mom syndrome.
I had a reward for the kids to look forward to
I know this can't happen every day, but it does help! Their friends came over to play.
I didn't focus on work but on learning
Usually when we have a certain time we have to get done, I am too concerned about checking things off my list. Hopefully the kids will do their "homework" that they didn't finish before their friends got here, but I spent time asking probing questions and chasing educational rabbits.
Cameron was upstairs playing.
Not that this is optimal! I need to be more strict both with her not interrupting, and the kids not getting enthralled in her activities. Kindergarten is fun, though! Who doesn't like scissors, paint, playdough, and fun pictures?
Don't you just love it when days flow like that? Good times. Good times. :)
I'm going to try to leave comments, now that I have an identity. bout time, huh? Glad you guys had a good day!
Just checkin'
I loved your list! And I love the idea - I sometimes try to figure out what went poorly on the not so great days, but I don't think I have ever thought to figure out what went right on the good days. I'm thinking that is a much better approach!
The first one likely makes a big difference at our house! :)
Oh, the one that really struck me was Focusing on learning not work! It is so easy to try and get my kids to check off all my plans instead of slowing down enough to let them learn and explore!! Thanks for the great reminder!
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