I was visiting 3 of our fitness centers in one day last week. Suprise visit! I love those! I walk in to club #1 and I was walking around inspecting the cleanliness. We have mirrors that line the walls in our free weight area and I almost feel like I'm following myself as I walk by wall after wall of mirrors. So, as I am following myself around in the mirrors I notice that my jeans are so yesterday! I was horrified. My favorite two pairs of jeans were terribly wrinkled in the laundry basket waiting to be folded, so I donned on an old favorite. The length was all wrong, the knees faded, the tapered cut unflattering. UGH!
I did not call my husband and ask if I could go buy a pair of expensive jeans. He did not say,
Sure, if they look good on your butt.I did not high-tail it off to my favorite women's boutique, Audie Mechel, that was conveniently located on the way to the next club. Luckily, the fashion savvy owner was in and we picked out a huge stack of jeans for me to try on. 30 minutes later, she cut the tags off and rang me up, and out I walked, looking fashion savvy myself, in my new expensive jeans. When I called to update my husband, I did not learn that "expensive jeans" need to be defined to husbands! I really did not do all of that, because that would be too vain of me!
great not me monday.
there is a fitness first about two minutes away from my house and it looks like it could be fun
So what kind of jeans did you get? Just think, one pair of expensive jeans that you will actually wear and love, really cost less than 3-4 pairs of ok jeans that you don't ever wear because of, well you don't like how they look! :)
Hey Kristie,
Guess you are a fan of MckMama also? I just ran across your blog. Loved your Not Me! Monday!
Take care,
Hi Roan! I got a pair of Joe's Jeans. Dark wash. they do look good!
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