Friday, November 21, 2008

Weekly Report

I can't believe it is Friday already. I feel like I can just copy what we did last week. Here is a look at what we did:

Bible: We only got around to memorizing Psalm 139
Writing: Olympic Rules (boys) Who's Who of Greek Mythology (Raeley)
Language Arts: None
Grammar: J - adjectives, Rob - study for cumulative review and take test, abbreviating addresses Rae - predicate adjectives, degrees of adjectives
History and Science: Review Greece and the body (we are wrapping up our unit)
Project: Ancient Greece Vase out of clay (Jane did it with the kids, Jane is the wonderful lady who homeschools my kids one day a week so I can work!)
Math: improper fractions- J, converting units into fractions - Rob, distributive property (whatever that is) - Rae
Art: We started paper mache masks for play they wrote last week.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a great week.

BTW, you can post any picture that you like for Wordless Wednesdays. Many bloggers place their blog link for this at
It's just a way to share your favorite pics with other moms. :)opsurbo

Unknown said...

Kristie, I love reading your blog. I have a question. Is this facebook? If not what is it. If yes, I can only access your site through ryan's blog for some reason. Weird huh?