We had quite a houseful for the Greek Feast. There were 13 adults and 7 children. Last meal we all sat at one table and talked about the culture, what they ate, a typical day, and what my kids had learned. That may have been my favorite part of the whole dinner. This meal the kids came in ( we had two tables for adults and the kids ate in the other room) and stood in a line and we asked thm questions. They didn't do so well. It felt like we were baraging them with questions. They didn't quote their memory work from Psalms 139, and Robert had memorized all 24 verses. I also forgot to set out all of their projects. Before we sat down to eat, after appetizers, the kids performed their play. It was a big hit! I wanted them to have fun and not be nervous, so I didn't have them memorize the lines. One of the families we invited to the dinner also participated in the play and making masks for the play. We had to make a few last minute changes because Auggie was sick, so Robert ended up having more parts. He was the narrator, and to introduce the play, he froze. He didn't want to pop out on stage and start talking. All the kids got nervous, and froze a little. I thought that was really cute.
Here are the projects we did with this unit:
7 days of creation book
body/body organs picture
looked at cells in a microscope (Thanks, Jane!)
cells study
FREE elections lapbook
made clay Greek vases
wrote and acted out a play on a Greek Myth
made masks for the play
The food was great and we all had a lots of fun.
Here is the menu:
Tiropites (cheese filled filo pastry)
Melitzanosalata (grilled eggplant dip)
Tzaziki (yogurt and garlic dip)
Main Course
Greek Salad
Moussaka (Greek casserole layered with eggplant, ground beef, and cream sauce)
Pitas stuffed with meat and tzaziki
Koulouria (Butter Cookies twisted into braids or figure 8's)
Here is the website where I got many of my recipes.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Coooking for the Greek Feast
Today we had the Greek Feast. I know, I said we would be going out to a Greek restaurant for this one, no long hours in the kitchen cooking, and I was very excited about that! But, since I didn't have to cook a lot for Thanksgiving, and we were going to be able to invite family that usually wouldn't be able to come, I decided to go ahead and do it. This decision meant two things - we had to end the unit a few days early, and we really didn't wrap things up or spend a lot of time on review. I did make sure my kids finished their projects which we were going to display, but that was about it. I was also proud of myself. I'm the stereotypical "I can do it all myself" over committing type of person. I had other people contribute to the meal. I was going to have a scaled down Greek Feast, but as I was preparing for the meal, I replaced the easy stew with Moussaka, because what is a Greek Feast without Moussaka? I also made homemade baklava, because what is a Greek Feast without baklava? Then I saw this recipe for homemade pita bread, and I have never made pita bread before..... then I saw this recipe for an eggplant dip that sounded really easy, and I love eggplant.... so I over commited myself again.
Here's what happened with the pita bread. I had timed it out so that I would make the baklava while the dough was rising for the pita bread. All of this is time sensitive. You can't take too long on either one of them. Mark gets home from hunting and he's in a playful mood. I had made chili for dinner and he's munching in the kitchen and goofing off with the kids. I am the object of this loving goofing off. OK, he's flirting with me. I am a very task oriented person and if it weren't for his measure of silliness in our family, I think we would be a stick in the mud family. However, these are two very serious tasks, and I am quite enjoying myself. Baklava is easier to make than it looks, and it's fun. I usually don't have a large block of time to just cook uninterrupted. However, since Mark came home, I have been very interrupted. I was threatening him, and threatening to banish him out of the kitchen, yet he wasn't taking me seriously. So, done with baklava, on to pita bread. I blame Mark for the next set of events. Can you believe that I forgot to roll out the individual pitas? I just rolled them into balls and stuck them in the oven. When I realized what was happening, I pulled them out and Mark, Mitchell (Mark's dad) and I were squishing them down. I was yelling hurry! Squish! faster! keep squishing! I wouldn't let Mitchell stop. He is such a sweet man, and he would do anything for me. He kept squishing. Mark knew he was in trouble, so he kept squishing. Of course it didn't work. He concedes, I can blame the pitas on him. I had such a fun evening, I didn't mind. Everything else turned out great, though!
Here's what happened with the pita bread. I had timed it out so that I would make the baklava while the dough was rising for the pita bread. All of this is time sensitive. You can't take too long on either one of them. Mark gets home from hunting and he's in a playful mood. I had made chili for dinner and he's munching in the kitchen and goofing off with the kids. I am the object of this loving goofing off. OK, he's flirting with me. I am a very task oriented person and if it weren't for his measure of silliness in our family, I think we would be a stick in the mud family. However, these are two very serious tasks, and I am quite enjoying myself. Baklava is easier to make than it looks, and it's fun. I usually don't have a large block of time to just cook uninterrupted. However, since Mark came home, I have been very interrupted. I was threatening him, and threatening to banish him out of the kitchen, yet he wasn't taking me seriously. So, done with baklava, on to pita bread. I blame Mark for the next set of events. Can you believe that I forgot to roll out the individual pitas? I just rolled them into balls and stuck them in the oven. When I realized what was happening, I pulled them out and Mark, Mitchell (Mark's dad) and I were squishing them down. I was yelling hurry! Squish! faster! keep squishing! I wouldn't let Mitchell stop. He is such a sweet man, and he would do anything for me. He kept squishing. Mark knew he was in trouble, so he kept squishing. Of course it didn't work. He concedes, I can blame the pitas on him. I had such a fun evening, I didn't mind. Everything else turned out great, though!
Good deals
While I have good deals on my mind, Here's another one. A few days after big holidays like Thanksgiving, check the grocery store for lots of goodies that are marked down. I almost got a turkey today. I saw them marked down, but didn't pick one up right away. Then, when I went back to get one, they were all gone! There was lots of meat marked down so I grabbed a few packs and already made up some hamburgers. I wonder if you can freeze pumpkin pie? I did splurge on donut holes.
Black Friday
I am one of those crazy people who thinks it is fun to wake up before the sun and stand in claustrophobic, unending lines to save a few bucks. Every year I drag my husband with me and he asks me the same questions. How much money are you spending? Is it really worth it? I got up yesturday and drug my husband and listened to his questions. I have fun doing it. So he dropped me off at WalMart and was off to McDonalds before coming back and secure our place in line. Then I saw the line. and I couldn't even walk around the store very quickly. The big ticket item I was after was already gone, and I decided the $4 jeans probably were, too. So I called Mark and had him leave his place in line at McDonalds to pick me up. I convinced him that my mental sanity trumped his hunger pains. So he dropped me off at Toys R Us and left to get back in line at McDonalds. Well, this place wasn't much better. I should have run out of the store flailing my arms and sat with him at McDonalds, enjoying the morning with my husband. But that would have been fanatsy, because reality was that I was determined to find some kind of great deal. Not only do I find bargain hunting fun, OK, addicting, but I had to redeem myself to my precious husband since he is such a good sport to suffer through the torture with me. Could you imaging hating the kind of black friday environment (which I cringe to think about because Toys R Us and Walmart were unbearable without the rush of really getting a good deal) and still doing it? What a great guy.
Back to Toys R Us - I should have known not to stay when there were no shopping carts! I grabbed a few of the items I wanted and decided to get in line until Mark came back since I couldn't carry anything else. I was waiting for 30 minutes to save $15. Seriously. And other deals were possibly being compromised, so I walked out.
On to JC Penny. I didn't get many Christmas presents there, but I did find clothes for my children that I got great deals on! I did get a few gifts, and I use the great deals at Christmas for birthday presents as well. I finally had to call Mark (he was standing in line at Best Buy) to help me because I was so tired from carrying the bags around! And I had a few more things to buy that I just couldn't carry. I did my damage there! I think I will stick to the mall in 2010 (I don't attempt Black Friday in Houston TX. Way too many people). This year some of the stores had a total discount over your entire purchase. Pretty cool.
Then we went back to WalMart and happened to get there as the clerks were restocking items around the store that were part of the specials yet were for some reason not bought. I ended up getting a few of the things I wanted (still saved less than $50) and there was no line. This was all by noon. Pretty productive day. I love good deals! My friend, Penny, has a website that is teaching me lots of great tips on getting good deals. http://tupelodeals.blogspot.com http://tupelodeals.info
Back to Toys R Us - I should have known not to stay when there were no shopping carts! I grabbed a few of the items I wanted and decided to get in line until Mark came back since I couldn't carry anything else. I was waiting for 30 minutes to save $15. Seriously. And other deals were possibly being compromised, so I walked out.
On to JC Penny. I didn't get many Christmas presents there, but I did find clothes for my children that I got great deals on! I did get a few gifts, and I use the great deals at Christmas for birthday presents as well. I finally had to call Mark (he was standing in line at Best Buy) to help me because I was so tired from carrying the bags around! And I had a few more things to buy that I just couldn't carry. I did my damage there! I think I will stick to the mall in 2010 (I don't attempt Black Friday in Houston TX. Way too many people). This year some of the stores had a total discount over your entire purchase. Pretty cool.
Then we went back to WalMart and happened to get there as the clerks were restocking items around the store that were part of the specials yet were for some reason not bought. I ended up getting a few of the things I wanted (still saved less than $50) and there was no line. This was all by noon. Pretty productive day. I love good deals! My friend, Penny, has a website that is teaching me lots of great tips on getting good deals. http://tupelodeals.blogspot.com http://tupelodeals.info
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I am thankful for
The early winter rising sun,
A hot cup of coffee,
Snuggly hugs with early morning warmth,
And that's just my morning!
I am thankful for my family;
My attentive parents who made growning up so great,
My fun sisters who are just what sisters should be,
My sweet and thoughtful inlaw family and their families, too!
Blessed and cherished.
I am thankful for my husband who adds so much to my life.
He reminds me not to take myself so seriously and to laugh.
We are so great together, sweeter than pb and j,
More electrifying than Ben Franklin and his key, stronger than duct tape.
Wonderful and encompassing.
I am thankful for my children who are the sunshine in my day.
Their fun laughter makes my heart sing, their beautiful smiles warm my heart,
Their sparkling eyes bring tears of joy to mine.
Precious and sweet.
I am thankful for God's unfathomable love,
His irresistable grace, and His generous provisions for us.
I am thankful for my Lord, Jesus, and the Holy bible, my guide.
Adoration Abounding!
I am thankful for the autumn breeze, the colorful leaves,
A crackling fireplace and a glass of wine,
Fine foods, finer friends, and fabulous family.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Prepping for the Holiday....sort of

It's a busy day! Thanksgiving is tomorrow and we will be having company stay with us. I'm sitting down to get off my feet for a minute and catch my breath. I like to fit as much as I can into every opportunity, and although that's lots of fun, I tend to go too fast, and not plan enough. I won't have time to clean my house like I would like to before company gets here. I wanted things to look impressively clean - for two main reasons - because I will take time to visit with family and relax and I would love to look around and know that I wiped every windowsill and vacuumed all the dust bunnies up, that's honestly the main reason. I really do love a clean house although it's obviously and usually not my top priority. The second reason is, well, because I'm having company! I'm hoping to at least get the sheets washed and put on the beds! But today has been a fun, full day.
We are doing unit studies this year, and at the end of every unit study, we have a big feast. Since we are at the end of a unit, and family will be in for the holidays, I decided to have the feast during lunch on Saturday. So, instead of cooking for Thanksgiving, I am cooking for our feast. I have invited around 20 people over for it. Everyone is bringing something, but there are a few things I wanted the kids to experience, so I am doing more than I intended to. It usually takes us a good four days to wrap up our school work, put the finishing touches on our projects, and prepare for the feast. We will do it in two days, and throw 4 more kids into the mix! Our friends, the Huffmans, will be participating in some of the events.
Check out the masks they made for the play they will be performing! We also made Greek cookies and an appetizer with cheese and phyllo dough. I've always wanted to cook with phyllo dough before.
I will say I picked easy recipes for Thanksgiving. I'm making celery stuffed pimento and cheese and ice box pie. I'll do those in the morning and maybe I'll get enough done tonight to have a slow, relaxing morning. Hey, I can always hope, can't I?
Wordless Wednesday

Popcorn, Popcorn, Popcorn!
The boys are getting ready to deliver the popcorn they worked so hard to sell. Don't they look handsome in their uniforms?
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Menu Monday
OK, I didn't think that I would want to get into blogging to keep up with all the set blog entries, but I was so inspired by Anita'a menu, that I thought I would post mine for the evening meals this week:
Monday - leftovers (deer!) -start marinating salmon
Tuesday: Salmon (my favorite recipe!), rice, carrots, lima beans -start soaking beans for chili
Wednesday: chili and salad
Thursday: Thanksgiving at the Thorns in Fulton, dinner that night leftovers or pizza.
Friday: chili and salad (made on Wednesday, since I'll be caught up in the After Thanksgiving Day Sales and preparing for the Greek Feast)
Saturday: Feeding 20+ people at the Greek Feast to end our unit. Post menu later.
Sunday: leftovers or something from the freezer
Monday - leftovers (deer!) -start marinating salmon
Tuesday: Salmon (my favorite recipe!), rice, carrots, lima beans -start soaking beans for chili
Wednesday: chili and salad
Thursday: Thanksgiving at the Thorns in Fulton, dinner that night leftovers or pizza.
Friday: chili and salad (made on Wednesday, since I'll be caught up in the After Thanksgiving Day Sales and preparing for the Greek Feast)
Saturday: Feeding 20+ people at the Greek Feast to end our unit. Post menu later.
Sunday: leftovers or something from the freezer
Menu Monday
Monday, November 24, 2008
Relaxing Weekend!

We had a relaxing weekend this weekend. Mitchell (Pawpaw) hung out with us Friday night and Saturday took the boys hunting again with Mark. Saturday morning we hung out and visited over coffee. I had way more than my usual one cup! I enjoyed a peaceful and quiet afternoon. Raeley was hanging out at friends' houses in the neighborhood. Oh yeah! She also spent some of the afternoon teaching herself html code. I know, I'm impressed, too!
I can't remember the last time I had the house to myself without anything pressing to do. Cameron was with me, but she was quiet and sweet. I had dinner on the table when the guys got home. It was deer meat from last year, and it was tender. I kept forgetting about it, and I never know how to fix it. I usually like to grill it. Saturday night I sauteed it in a skillet with Lipton's onion soup mix and a little bit of water. Pretty easy and really good! The way the guys prepare the deer meat, it really takes the game taste out of it. We ate it with brussel sprouts, potatoes sliced into circles and baked in the oven till soft, carrots, and bread. I love red wine with dear meat, too! Enjoy the picture of Mitchell with Cameron!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Weekly Report
I can't believe it is Friday already. I feel like I can just copy what we did last week. Here is a look at what we did:
Bible: We only got around to memorizing Psalm 139
Writing: Olympic Rules (boys) Who's Who of Greek Mythology (Raeley)
Language Arts: None
Grammar: J - adjectives, Rob - study for cumulative review and take test, abbreviating addresses Rae - predicate adjectives, degrees of adjectives
History and Science: Review Greece and the body (we are wrapping up our unit)
Project: Ancient Greece Vase out of clay (Jane did it with the kids, Jane is the wonderful lady who homeschools my kids one day a week so I can work!)
Math: improper fractions- J, converting units into fractions - Rob, distributive property (whatever that is) - Rae
Art: We started paper mache masks for play they wrote last week.
Bible: We only got around to memorizing Psalm 139
Writing: Olympic Rules (boys) Who's Who of Greek Mythology (Raeley)
Language Arts: None
Grammar: J - adjectives, Rob - study for cumulative review and take test, abbreviating addresses Rae - predicate adjectives, degrees of adjectives
History and Science: Review Greece and the body (we are wrapping up our unit)
Project: Ancient Greece Vase out of clay (Jane did it with the kids, Jane is the wonderful lady who homeschools my kids one day a week so I can work!)
Math: improper fractions- J, converting units into fractions - Rob, distributive property (whatever that is) - Rae
Art: We started paper mache masks for play they wrote last week.
Integrity (or lack thereof)
I am waiting on my husband to get an email off his chest so we can go work out. I understand why he has to do it. It is an employee issue of the worst kind because it involves integrity. It would continue to mull in his mind.
I usually don't put anything on here about work since it it quite a possibility that my staff may read the blog but I am sitting here waiting for him, I don't want to go outside and play with the dogs (too cold), or clean the house (too mundane), so I thought I would vent.
Let me start off by saying that we have a great team of staff working for us right now, the best we have ever had. Many are new because recently we have had several employee issues that we have unfortunately had to deal with. All because of a lack of integrity.
We had one employee blind sight us by going to work for a competitor. I wish I could tell you what else he did. Your mouth would drop open, and you'd be picking it up off the floor. We also had one, possibly two employees steal a significant amount of money from us. Another employee, when he knew he wouldn't be staying around, was making all kinds of "deals" with people who would sign up with us. Then he was very angry that we did not give him a parting bonus!
Did you know that there is a man who's business decisions revolve around putting us out of business at two of our locations? He is known to be an untrustworthy man. He is so bothered by our existence that he followed our new area manager to a gas station and when he found out her connection to us, offered her a job on the spot - not knowing anything else about her. Cornered her at a gas station! I am chuckling that I described him as an untrustworthy man. Some people reading this would be angry that I characterized him that way, for he is scum and that was way-too-pretty.
No one likes to be targeted or taken advantage of, but to me it runs even deeper than that. It's an issue of integrity.
Gee, look at the time. I guess we won't go work out this morning. I'm going to do yoga with my wonderful daughter and then fix me a cup of coffee instead.
I usually don't put anything on here about work since it it quite a possibility that my staff may read the blog but I am sitting here waiting for him, I don't want to go outside and play with the dogs (too cold), or clean the house (too mundane), so I thought I would vent.
Let me start off by saying that we have a great team of staff working for us right now, the best we have ever had. Many are new because recently we have had several employee issues that we have unfortunately had to deal with. All because of a lack of integrity.
We had one employee blind sight us by going to work for a competitor. I wish I could tell you what else he did. Your mouth would drop open, and you'd be picking it up off the floor. We also had one, possibly two employees steal a significant amount of money from us. Another employee, when he knew he wouldn't be staying around, was making all kinds of "deals" with people who would sign up with us. Then he was very angry that we did not give him a parting bonus!
Did you know that there is a man who's business decisions revolve around putting us out of business at two of our locations? He is known to be an untrustworthy man. He is so bothered by our existence that he followed our new area manager to a gas station and when he found out her connection to us, offered her a job on the spot - not knowing anything else about her. Cornered her at a gas station! I am chuckling that I described him as an untrustworthy man. Some people reading this would be angry that I characterized him that way, for he is scum and that was way-too-pretty.
No one likes to be targeted or taken advantage of, but to me it runs even deeper than that. It's an issue of integrity.
Gee, look at the time. I guess we won't go work out this morning. I'm going to do yoga with my wonderful daughter and then fix me a cup of coffee instead.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Boy Scouts

Robert and Jonathan have recently started Boy Scouts. They really enjoy it. Robert carries his Webelos book with him often and will just start working on the badges. They recieved their first badge last night at the pack meeting. Jonathan was so excited. He expected the whole family to go, but Mark was out of town and Raeley and Cameron stayed home. Talking to his sisters he said, "I just don't think you realize what a big night this is. We are getting our first Boy Scout badge. This is the only time it's going to happen. You only get a badge for the first time once!"
Tonight we went to a City Council meeting on behalf of the Boy Scouts. I am glad the City Council was proficient with the meeting, it was less than an hour. It was neat to see how many men on City Council saluted the Boy Scout Salute when they said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Boy Scouts
Monday, November 17, 2008
Kenya Blog by Ryan
My nephew Ryan is in Kenya, Africa on a short term medical missionary stint. He will be there 3 months. He has a blog about it and his posts are great! Check it out at
A little about Ryan: He is taking time off in between college and med school for this mission trip. He enjoys working out and eating healthy which I find inspiring in my line of work! Don't let his big frame intimidate you, he's the sweetest guy, and he's very thoughtful of his mom and his Mema. He is active and enjoys a good game of hoops.
Ryan was supposed to leave a few months ago, but a truck ran over his foot (a drunk guy backing up into a crowd of people in a parking lot) and he had to have surgery three days before he was to leave. We will miss having him home for the holidays, but he was determined not to put his trip off any longer to the dismay of his mom. Since I haven't seen him off crutches, I picture him hobbling around in a third world country (sigh). I have been assured that he and his ankle are doing just fine. Even so, there he is, in Africa, braving the green mumba snakes on a bum ankle. Oh well, he probably couldn't dart from one even if he had a healthy ankle! (sorry for the brute honesty Denise!)
Pray for him as he works in the hospital; not to get sick while working on the sick, not to get malaria, to be safe from snakes and other poisonous beings, and for his ankle not to bother him.
Love you, Ryan!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Weekly Report
Here is what we accomplished this week in school:

Bible: Characteristics of God vs Greek Mythology, memorizing Psalm 139
Writing: Olympic Events (boys) Who's Who of Greek Mythology (Raeley)
Language Arts: Myths - The kids turned a myth into a play.
Grammer: J lost his book so did review work, Rob - irregular verbs and review for verb test, Rae - limiting and descriptive adjectives
History: How Greek culture infiltrated the world through Alexander the Great conquering many nations and spreading what he loved from Greece; Peloponnesian War
Science: Parts of a cell
Project: Book of Creation
Math: intro to fractions - J, mixed fractions - Rob, exponential notation - Rae
Art: portraits, eye placement
Monday we spent the day in Birmingham - Mark took the kid to the science museum, which they said was GREAT! Raeley and I went shopping. Thursday we spent the morning helping Cameron learn her lines for the play. It was a hectic week in terms of school, but they are still talking about the Dialog in the Darkness exhibit and the Science Museum.
A day with Dad

Bible: Characteristics of God vs Greek Mythology, memorizing Psalm 139
Writing: Olympic Events (boys) Who's Who of Greek Mythology (Raeley)
Language Arts: Myths - The kids turned a myth into a play.
Grammer: J lost his book so did review work, Rob - irregular verbs and review for verb test, Rae - limiting and descriptive adjectives
History: How Greek culture infiltrated the world through Alexander the Great conquering many nations and spreading what he loved from Greece; Peloponnesian War
Science: Parts of a cell
Project: Book of Creation
Math: intro to fractions - J, mixed fractions - Rob, exponential notation - Rae
Art: portraits, eye placement
Monday we spent the day in Birmingham - Mark took the kid to the science museum, which they said was GREAT! Raeley and I went shopping. Thursday we spent the morning helping Cameron learn her lines for the play. It was a hectic week in terms of school, but they are still talking about the Dialog in the Darkness exhibit and the Science Museum.
A day with Dad
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Oh the Drama!

Tonight our shy little Cameron had her first stage debut. She was a mouse in a play. One of her best friends was a mouse also, so she could cover for Cameron. Good thing since Cameron didn't say too much. It was a fun night. The drama class did a great job. It is a neat experience to see talent unfold before your eyes in children you know. You get to see them step up on stage and shine!
Cameron looked so cute up there. It is so much fun to watch little girls in their best friend relationships. The girls are starting a club and they wear blue eye shadow to show they are in the club. The girls are ages 5, 7, 8.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Dog story
While I was gone in Charleston, I got this email from my husband, Mark (CJ and Buster are our dogs):
Wow, CJ almost killed Buster just now. Luckily, I was still up (and even still had my shoes one) when I heard this horrible howling coming from the back yard. This was not your normal barking or howling, but a that of a real fight and pain!
When I got to the back door, I saw CJ swinging Buster around by his neck! I fumbled with the door locks in a panic and finally got outside to where they were wrestling around on the ground. I started yelling at CJ to let buster go, but it didn’t do any good. CJ was listening to me because he glanced at me, but kept swinging Buster by the neck…and then I realized that it was by his collar.
When I yelled again, CJ stopped moving long enough for me to stand over him and see what was wrong. CJ’s bottom canine tooth had gotten caught in Buster’s collar. Poor Buster was then all twisted up so that he was getting choked and could now barely breath. When I reached down to try and loosen him, something must have hurt CJ because he immediately bolted, Buster started yelping again and biting at CJ. The two were both in a panic and making things worse.
Again, I yelled at CJ to stop and this time straddled his back to hold him steady while I tried to loose Buster. It was scary, because both dogs were hurt and not sure what to do and I had to get pretty close to see what to do. A lucky tug on my part and CJ walked (sorta hopped) free and went back over to the porch. Buster, poor thing, just laid there while I checked his collar and made sure he was ok.
When I went back over to the porch, I checked both over as carefully as I could. Buster’s throat was drenched from CJ’s saliva, and CJ had some blood on his left cheek. I’m not sure if it was from CJ’s mouth or Buster’s paw, but there wasn’t too much of it. Both dogs were very subdued, and I got on to CJ a bit more. I think both knew they were in trouble and were sobered by the event.
Wow, CJ almost killed Buster just now. Luckily, I was still up (and even still had my shoes one) when I heard this horrible howling coming from the back yard. This was not your normal barking or howling, but a that of a real fight and pain!
When I got to the back door, I saw CJ swinging Buster around by his neck! I fumbled with the door locks in a panic and finally got outside to where they were wrestling around on the ground. I started yelling at CJ to let buster go, but it didn’t do any good. CJ was listening to me because he glanced at me, but kept swinging Buster by the neck…and then I realized that it was by his collar.
When I yelled again, CJ stopped moving long enough for me to stand over him and see what was wrong. CJ’s bottom canine tooth had gotten caught in Buster’s collar. Poor Buster was then all twisted up so that he was getting choked and could now barely breath. When I reached down to try and loosen him, something must have hurt CJ because he immediately bolted, Buster started yelping again and biting at CJ. The two were both in a panic and making things worse.
Again, I yelled at CJ to stop and this time straddled his back to hold him steady while I tried to loose Buster. It was scary, because both dogs were hurt and not sure what to do and I had to get pretty close to see what to do. A lucky tug on my part and CJ walked (sorta hopped) free and went back over to the porch. Buster, poor thing, just laid there while I checked his collar and made sure he was ok.
When I went back over to the porch, I checked both over as carefully as I could. Buster’s throat was drenched from CJ’s saliva, and CJ had some blood on his left cheek. I’m not sure if it was from CJ’s mouth or Buster’s paw, but there wasn’t too much of it. Both dogs were very subdued, and I got on to CJ a bit more. I think both knew they were in trouble and were sobered by the event.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Just my week so far....
Rambling thoughts about my week. We made a very last minute decision to go to Atlanta. We needed some things from IKEA, and we did pretty good not loading up with lots of things we didn't need :) There was an exhibit there I wanted to see, and I thought, big city, Christmas shopping! WOOOO - I know, you are impressed! I planned ahead and actually thought about not waiting till the last minute. I wonder if I really will get those Christmas cards out? I really do love big cities. They have the BEST Target there. My town does not have a Target. So we had stressful, try to make the best of it, kinda fun trip to Atlanta. I got to see my Uncle George and cousin Ron and family for a short time. The kids were way overextended. But we went, we saw, we shopped.
Mark and the kids unloaded the car when we got home. I went to get the dogs and stop by the grocery store. When I got back, I remembered some of the Christmas gifts I had bought. I was looking for the bag and curious if the kids looked in it. Finally I saw the bag on our bed and quizzed the kids as to who put it there. No one admitted to it, so I took that as a good sign. A few minutes later, Cameron came bounding into the room with a Disney Princess Wii game. "Look what daddy bought me!" The little curious trickster had gone to look in the bag! Why didn't I see that coming? "No honey," I said, cringing, as I knew I was about to burst her 0h-so-happy bubble. "This was your Christmas present from MawMaw and PawPaw. I guess I'll have to take it back to the store!" Oh, the silence. Oh, the stillness. Oh, how we tried not to laugh. But we understood the gravity of disappointment. Maybe Santa will bring her one just like it. But duh moment for me. Why did I think a bag on our bed would be ignored by the kids in the house? I know sometimes I just don't think.
So we are back in town and getting everything back on schedule (in my dreams maybe...) but there is hope for me yet. I went to bed early last night so I could wake up and work out. I cooked dinner early tonight so the kids could get in bed at a decent time. They even did homework - a concept they can't quite grasp being homeschooled. They cleaned their rooms and we also played a game together as a family. By the way- Mark is sick to his stomach and even played with us in between bouts of running to the bathroom. Yes, it's that bad. Everything went great (except for Mark), but now it's past my self appointed bedtime. I HAD to get caught up on my blogs.
Side rambling before I head to bed. I was reflecting on some memories during our beautiful drive to Atlanta and realized that in way too many of my special memories I have been so dog-tired! I am going to try to plan my day better to get more sleep. I don't want life to pass me by and only be half awake for it. One reason for the fewer posts as of late. Goodnight!
Mark and the kids unloaded the car when we got home. I went to get the dogs and stop by the grocery store. When I got back, I remembered some of the Christmas gifts I had bought. I was looking for the bag and curious if the kids looked in it. Finally I saw the bag on our bed and quizzed the kids as to who put it there. No one admitted to it, so I took that as a good sign. A few minutes later, Cameron came bounding into the room with a Disney Princess Wii game. "Look what daddy bought me!" The little curious trickster had gone to look in the bag! Why didn't I see that coming? "No honey," I said, cringing, as I knew I was about to burst her 0h-so-happy bubble. "This was your Christmas present from MawMaw and PawPaw. I guess I'll have to take it back to the store!" Oh, the silence. Oh, the stillness. Oh, how we tried not to laugh. But we understood the gravity of disappointment. Maybe Santa will bring her one just like it. But duh moment for me. Why did I think a bag on our bed would be ignored by the kids in the house? I know sometimes I just don't think.
So we are back in town and getting everything back on schedule (in my dreams maybe...) but there is hope for me yet. I went to bed early last night so I could wake up and work out. I cooked dinner early tonight so the kids could get in bed at a decent time. They even did homework - a concept they can't quite grasp being homeschooled. They cleaned their rooms and we also played a game together as a family. By the way- Mark is sick to his stomach and even played with us in between bouts of running to the bathroom. Yes, it's that bad. Everything went great (except for Mark), but now it's past my self appointed bedtime. I HAD to get caught up on my blogs.
Side rambling before I head to bed. I was reflecting on some memories during our beautiful drive to Atlanta and realized that in way too many of my special memories I have been so dog-tired! I am going to try to plan my day better to get more sleep. I don't want life to pass me by and only be half awake for it. One reason for the fewer posts as of late. Goodnight!
Dialog in the darkness

I went to an exhibit in Atlanta this weekend. It was called Dialog in the Darkness and it replicated what it feels like to function in different situations when you are blind. We went with my brother in law's sister and her daughter, Rebecca and Rachel. It was nice to see them.
My niece and nephew are visually impared and it was a remarkable experience. I was able to identify with them on an emotional level. It was neat to see how the ground feels different under your feet, and how space is so hard to measure.
Here is food for thought: My niece and nephew do not see people and then make judgements about them. I would think they "judge" people by listening to them, a much more accurate way, wouldn't you agree? I "judged" my guide by listening closely to her, her tonal inclinations, the way she reacted to what people said, her level of patience. How would people judge me if they could only hear me? I shudder to think. My impatience would shine through quickly.
I wanted to touch those around me and it was much more acceptable to put your hand on someone's leg when you were sitting next to them. Touch in general was much more accepted. Not a bad thing. The personal space bubble - I'm not sure if it existed.
It was very easy to bump your head (or knee or anything else for that matter!).
There were many things I learned through the exhibit yet I am stuck on the whole premise about not being able to judge people on physical appearance. If you are judging by what you hear, you want to hear the people. You really listen and you pay attention to their feelings. As I rush through life, I rush through people.
I think I will wear blinders for a while and really get to know those around me. That alone could be lifechanging.
thoughts to dwell on
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Costumes and Neigborhood Party
I am not a big proponent of Halloween. I do not like witches or anything evil and halloween personfies that. I do let my children go "trick or treating" and this year we had a neighborhood party. With Halloween on a Friday I thought this would give us a great opportunity to get to know our neighbors better. It worked out great and the hilight was bobbing for apples! Allie joined us again this year. My kids know that they can not wear any costume that supports the occult, but Raeley wanted to do a "traditional" costume and the ghost seemed like such a spoof with glow in the dark eyelashes. It fit her personally great! Robert was Indiana Jones, and Jonathan was Mutt, his son in the latest movie (although he was confused with Elvis a time or two). Cameron was Belle, and made such a lovely princess! Allie was Snow White, another beautiful princess!
Pumpkin Carving
My dad, for one reason or another, is usually in town to carve pumpkins with the kids. This year they wanted to get a little more fancy. Robert carved his own pumpkin, and then finished Cameron's pumpkin. Big Daddy helped Jonathan. It was fun and the pumpkins turned out great! Raeley painted hers black and cut starts out.
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