Wednesday, September 23, 2009

No menu this week!

This week I am taking a break from healthy food planning. I have had such a busy week so far that I am doing my best to make sure there is at least food in the house so we don't starve. Last night I worked so I grabbed a Quizno's and Mark and the kids had pizza. Thursday night Mark works so we will have tonight's leftovers and Friday night is a picnic (the kids will make a dessert). I told the kids they could have any dish that they wanted that didn't involve grilling out. The top picks? French Toast and sausage; pork loin or baked porkchops and baked potatoes with english peas and baked fruit; Chicken and dumplings with english peas and baked fruit. Dad made the final choice of Chicken and Dumplings, but it was fun to see what the kids thought of. Saturday and Sunday I will probably fix the other choices the kids came up with. Next week I will be back in the swing of my low fat, low carb, high protein cooking! By the way, in my hiatus from healthy, I found flipz crackers, cracker on one side, pretzel on the other - yum!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! Get some rest, Mom!