Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Her place in the world

Here is a picture of Raeley taken a year or two ago (just kidding for my not irl friends)

Here Raeley and I are reading a book together, taken just a few days before the picture above.

I feel like I am at a weird place right now, and it -time- has snuck up on me.
My daughter, my youngest child, will be starting first grade. She's frustrated because she doesn't know how to read (except that she does, mostly) and she is so much more self sufficient than even three months ago. My daughter, my oldest child, has grown up.

Today I went to the library to pick up some books for the kids to take on a trip - by myself, browsing through library shelves. That's enough to make anyone reminisce. I rarely go to the library by myself, and would you believe it, I totally forgot to get a book for me! Raeley, my oldest who is trying to find her place in the world (and yes, Michael W Smith's song should be stirring your heart at this moment), is struggling with boredom. She likes to read, but can't find books lately that interest her. I have to watch what books I suggest because I'm still stuck on Strawberry Girl, The Little Princess, and Mandy. I don't even know if she made it through all the Little House on the Prarie books, and I totally missed The Happy Holisters with her. She's taking a break from Nancy Drew and I'm hoping she likes Madeline L'engle's books as much as I did.

I need to wrap my mind around where she is now - growing. up. fast.

Part 1 concluded.

Comments are welcome, however, for books a teenager might like. By the way, Anita, she carries the book Do Hard Things around with her.

1 comment:

weavermom said...

Do you know about this site?

I love it for Punkin, but she is a lot younger...

LOVE the top picture. She looks so pensive!