Curriculum time. I am going to do something I've NEVER done before. I usually analyze, overanalyze, and agonize over what curriculum I am going to buy. As a matter of fact, last year it was so bad (the analyzing and agonizing) with my daughter starting high school, that I totally forgot to order her math, and kept forgetting, and it finally arrived in October! This year, I am going to order my curriculum before the summer. Yep, before homeschool conferences. Before making any trips to the big city to look at homeschool bookstores and hold the curriculum in my hands. Before our school year even ends! I am hoping to sit down this weekend and map everything out and make the purchases next week.
Here's what I am thinking about:
For the boys:
Nothing is really changing.
Continuing with Learning Adventures
Singapore Math
Easy Grammer and Daily Grams
Apologia (Co-op)
Adding: Latin - Latin's not so tough
Handwriting (copy work isn't working for us. Maybe a bound book will help, maybe)
Adding back in IEW
For Raeley:
Core 2000 of Sonlight
Math U See
Apologia (Co-op)
Maybe adding a course of IEW. I don't think she did enough writing.
For Cameron:
Sonlight World History (Which I already have)
Singapore Math