We have had a good school week this week. We started a new unit, Rome, and it covers the nativity. How cool is that?!! We are motivated to truck on through even though it is the Christmas season and there is so much other stuff to do. I mean, who wants to study the nativity in January? Well, I just drank a hot cup of coffee and ate a piece of delicious pumpkin pie from a friend, and I was reflecting on our good week (despite Monday being a little rough, if you remember that post!) and I noticed how messy our house was. Here are some photos for all you homeschooling moms out there to soothe your souls and relieve your guilt. The long table was where we did school today, because the usual table(see black table in picture) was still messy from yesturday. That's 6 loads of laundry on the couch and surrounding areas. I'm sure you all recognize the sink.
I think it's going to be a long night! This is the juggling act.
Yikes, well it's either school or the housework. Especially when you have several kidlets.
Seriously. I feel so much better. Cause were I brave enough to post pictures, they would look remarkably similar. :)
That's no mess! LOL You need to come to our house.
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