Sunday, April 19, 2009

Those Sneaky Mondays

I haven't posted in a while because I have been on a vacation! It was great, and I will catch you up soon on all the details. It seems like so much has happened since my last post. My shoulders are heavy tonight as I feel the stress of reality bearing down on me. It seems like such sweet relaxation always makes me realize how stressful the day to day is. I just don't know how to fit it all in and not be so tired. I am working on getting the staff to a place where I don't have to be as much hands on, but while we were on vacation, they underperformed - almost all across the board. Tonight I have been planning the sales meeting tomorrow to address the issues that became apparent while we were gone. I am pleased with what I came up with, but now it is late and I am tired. Too tired to finish grading and going over the school work my kids did while we were gone. So another Monday will come without me being ready for it. Those sneaky Mondays.

Partially I'm too tired because I couldn't sleep last night. I couldn't sleep because I was freaking out over the fact that the back patio we had poured while we were gone is a total piece of crap. The guy messed it up and it will have to be jack hammered up and replaced. I'd appreciate prayers that this situation will be resolved and we will not have to go to small claims court. We even had a builder come by today and he said there was no fixing it. Yes, it's THAT bad. (Mom and Dad, that's one reason why I haven't called. I just don't want to verbalize it. I'll fill you in after we talk to the guy who installed it.)

Maybe it's my lack of sleep, maybe it's the heaviness that is sitting on my shoulders, but sometimes I don't know how I can get everything done. I have to revisit what's really important when I feel like this. God is my strength and He will show me a path, a plan, a way for it to work out. I'm reading the book Sabbath by Wayne Muller and it is a beautifully written book that is really bringing me back to the importance of taking time out for myself and resting in the Lord. I just know I'm glad it's almost summer. Can I hear an AMEN to that?

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