The weather is turning so nice. I think about all that God has done for me and I feel overwhelmed with thankfulness and so blessed. Winter brings with it heaviness, Spring brings with it life and newness. I love new beginnings. That is why I guess I love the first of the year so much! Let's recap on my New Year Resolutions:
#1 - Exercise more
Well...let's just say I've had a good two weeks. I can see myself making improvements and my cardio has improved. Mark is keeping me more accountable as he is meeting a friend up at the gym 3 days a week and I hop in the car with him.
#2 - Read the bible more and pray more
I started off strong on this one, but with our new work out schedule, and my new work schedule, even the prayer time I had with Mark every morning has been replaced with us racing to get to the gym on time. I have been more consistent having bible time with the kids, but I have not set time aside for myself to spend with the Lord personally. I am feeling like I really need to focus on this, and that's the great thing about revisiting goals, I honestly forgot I wasn't spending any personal time with the Lord since I do have meaningful time with the kids in school. (Gasp! Is my spiritual life in that bad of shape that I didn't even miss it? I hope not, but I will be evaluating my heart. If you gasped in horror, pray for me!)
#3 - Learn to take better pictures
I have worked on this some - not that I've taken the time to post them. Raeley has found her niche here, though. She is saving up money to buy a camera and she spends more time taking pictures than Mark and I put together! She has quite an eye for it!
If I were to write down my resolutions on paper with little boxes by them, to check off my progress, it wouldn't look so good, but I am pleased. I know I have missed out a lot in my relationship with God on not spending more time in prayer and in the Word, but I have been praying more diligently with my children and reading the word with them more consistently. I have fit working out into my schedule and I've adjusted my lifestyle so that it is now easy to fit in, it's not forced. And for the picture taking, now my daughter can teach me because she has learned quite a few cool things lately on her own and I look forward to learning more with her. And, because she's so good, she can take pictures for me and I can devote my energy to something else and still have the pictures that I want!
I have had a good year so far, and I've added in working more. I was SO dreading having to take on more responsibility with work, but it needed to be done, it's adjusted into our family's lives well, and didn't stop me from moving closer to my goals. And you know what, it may be silly, but one of the biggest accomplishments lately has been eating healthier breakfasts. It may seem small, but it is huge to me, and something I just didn't feel like I could tackle. Now that I got the guts to try, I am so glad I did. I hope this encourages you to start something that you think you should be doing but don't know how to fit it in.