Here is a photo I stole from Mark's facebook page (that's why it is so small!).
It is us working at Angelina River Lodge.
Things have been busy getting into the school routine and there is a big campaign this month with our business in honor of National Childhood Obesity Month. It has kept me busy getting everything ready for it! Check out the Coalition of Angry Kids - A very timely message!
The campaign tugs at my heart as I strive in my business to really help change people's lives - especially moms who are tugged in so many directions, taking care of their kids but not themselves. I have realized how far I have gotten from that as we have opened so many gyms. My focus is on keeping things running, and getting the staff to perform their basic tasks. It seems to stop there and I really want to take our gyms to the next level of customer service.
I also want to take our homeschooling to "the next level" as I seem to have slid into the checklist mentality of making sure we are checking things off our to do list rather than focusing on learning.
So, how do I take both to "the next level"? For starters, we hired an Operational Assistant to help us (mainly me) out. For starters with school, I am not so worried about how much we cover during the day or even covering everything on the agenda, but doing the work with my kids and focusing on them, not work, not cleaning the house.
This had led to me giving up tv in the evenings (the little bit that I did watch) and reading books. Sunday is now a prepare for the week day. There were a few leadership opportunities I was going to take this fall, but those have been tabled. Hopefully I will be able to manage everything more efficiently as the weeks go on. Hopefully I will add in reading again.
With work, I am going to attempt to set expectations with the staff more clearly and require more of them, keeping closer tabs on them which means more meetings and more consistency.
These are just a few things that have been on my mind lately. They've also been keeping me from blogging!
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