Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sweet 16

WOW, I can't believe the big day is here! My oldest daughter is 16. Raeley is a typical oldest child, she likes things in order (except her room), is very good at cleaning the house, and is very responsible. Who would have thought that at 16, on the morning of her birthday, she woke up before 7 am to get ready for work, worked an 8-5 shift in her field of expertise, then went off to church. Sounds so very grown up.

I couldn't be more proud of Raeley. She loves the Lord in her whole being. She is real and down to earth. She cares about others and does not have a self-centered view of the world. She is also very talented.

We gave her a special gift for her 16th birthday. We gave her a ring with her birthstone. My parents gave me a ring with an amethyst for my 16th birthday, and I wanted to continue this tradition with her. She is ready for the responsibility of caring for fine jewelry.

I thought it was pretty funny when she was trying to guess her gifts, and she said that a gun would be a great gift for her 16th! That was a clever idea. And it fits her. But I'm glad we gave her the ring.

She said she really felt older this birthday, which was magnified since she had to get herself off to work. I really felt older myself on this birthday for her as well.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

First Week of School

No matter how our first day started, our week ended great! The kids and I all like our new curriculum. We have joined the Credo co-op, and it fits great. It was definitely the right move for our family. The kids really enjoy it. I must say, I think the kids having projects to complete in a school setting with people to show their work to, will go far on keeping it more fun. I always felt I had more fun with their school projects than they did.

I am putting our schooling instead of my work as priority this year, and everyone is taking school more seriously. Robert gets the reward for most serious, however. We had a night of Encouragement with our homeschool group. At this event, we listen to a speaker then have a chance to see all that is offered during the school year. A couple who were home schooled and are now homeschooling were interviewed, and the man spoke of what he found important as he looked back over his schooling. He said tests and math, and to really take your school work seriously. Robert really listened to what he had to say and took it to heart. Robert is also taking 2 high school classes that will count toward his transcript. He is watching his grades already! We dubbed it 8 1/2 grade. Now for the biggest and most stunning news: He studied for his spelling test all week and made a 100!

I am really trying to hold the kids to finishing a week of school Monday - Friday. However, Co-op is on Friday, so if the rest of the day is time off, they have a few assignments to do on Saturday or Sunday. Saturday afternoon I gave spelling tests, and today they will have time to finish a few assignments. Next week is the real test of how things will go, as this week did not include history and science in the line up of what they had to do. Now that their friends are older, and they are hearing of all the hours of homework they have, they are more willing to work outside of school hours, making it so much easier on me not having to play the bad guy, if you know what I mean.

Deut. 31:8 God is going before us and Phil. 4:13 it is through His strength.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

First Day of School - Kinda

I am not an organized person. I usually decide the night before when the first day of school is going to be. Not optimal or ideal, but reality.

So, today was our first day of school. No tradition, just "get out your pencils and get to the table" Did you know that every first day of school for the past 4 years I have had a major work interruption? Today was no different. Hubby left for a trip - had to catch a plane, so time was a factor. Hubby started packing at 10 and had to leave by 10:30. Car battery died, too. That would be my fault. Door left open. Oh to have a car with auto shut off lights. Hubby was able to pack and jump start the car and leave on time. Women are not like that. Pack for a trip in less than 30 minutes right before you walk out the door? I did stand in the room and guard him from talking on the phone. No. answering. phone. calls. Period. Stressed yet?

The big interruption? Morning staff meeting postponed. Waited and waited for the updated time. 11 am. Nice for school wouldn't you say? No morning work done at our house. So boys cleaned their room instead. Cameron? She was supposed to be unloading the dishwasher.

Oh, did I mention that Mark decided Sunday would be deep cleaning day? This weekend was my time to get all organized (HA!) for homeschooling. Not a good combination. So, Sunday my boys started a ransack on their room and a throw-away-junk-kind-of-cleaning-the-room-day. You still can't walk in their room.

So, after taking eldest daughter her lunch at work, we finally settled down to start our school day at 1:30. This year we have changed ALL of our curriculum except Math. So, I timed how long the lessons would take. I guess you could call today a trial and time day. Once again, I didn't get to Cameron. How is that girl ever going to learn? And both she and Raeley lost their math books from last year they weren't quite finished with. Seriously? They had them two weeks ago and now they are gone?

Then I got last minute emails from staff wanting things updated TODAY. So I had to stop school for almost an hour to make up for their lack of planning. Like I didn't see that coming.

Try as I might, I guess today is starting out like every other school year. YUCK. Although I want to rhyme with yuck, I won't. I'm gonna have to bathe this year in prayer. I am determined to make it different and be there for my kids.

Note to employees: Please behave. My kids are depending on it. Note to self: It's OK if employees fail. It will probably be good for them.

Note to kids: This year will be different. Note to Cameron: That's a pinky promise.