Mark and I went to Gatlinburg 18 years ago for our honeymoon. We were excited to take the kids back and see how much it had changed over 18 years. Oh man, had it changed! We were looking forward to hiking while we were there, especially since it has been a while since we spent time camping or backpacking. Mark and Raeley wanted to get some waterfall shots, so our hikes revolved around waterfalls. That ended up working out great since it rained almost every day we were there.

We also hung out downtown Gatlinburg, shopped in Pigeon Forge, hit historical sites, and drove the arts and crafts circuit. My favorite shopping was at the NOC outdoor store. I racked up on some good deals. We spent too long in Pigeon Forge shopping, but with growing kids, outlets can be a great way to do a one stop rush to get some much needed additions to the wardrobes. Raeley finally found her tan pants for work. Jonathan and Cameron really needed new sneakers, and me, well, I can always find something I think I need! I got Cameron a swimsuit for $5 and Jonathan got Nike Lunars for $30. I scored a beautiful shirt from J Crew for less than $30, and a cute dress from Tommy Hilfiger for around $30 also. We took time out from shopping to eat lunch at the Applewood Farmhouse Restaurant. It was a cool experience and how could we pass up getting a bag of fresh apples?

Enough about shopping. The kids loved the Wonderworks house in Pigeon Forge, which it was like an interactive science museum with a huge indoor ropes course. The Ripley Mirror Maze in Gatlinburg was a hilight for me because we all laughed so much! I didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I did. I loved hearing Raeley laugh and laugh every turn when we found the real us. If you've done it, you'd know what I meant. We were the only people in there, which really added to the experience. We also did the Ripley Aquarium. It was impressive as well. With a big dolphin fan in the family (Cameron), how could we skip it? We knew there wouldn't be any dolphins there, but we had to go none the less.

We were there for a week, and we ate most meals either from the cooler or at the condo. The kids also had their schoolwork to keep up with. They would do that while I cooked dinner, which worked since it was too rainy to go swimming. Cameron loves swimming, so if there's a pool, she wants to be in it. We were wet so much on our trip, though, that everyone had enough of water by the time we got back to the condo.